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Salon Spotlight: VANITYLAB's Sunny Day Campaign


When you're going through a difficult time, having a day to yourself — dedicated to self-care — can seem like a dream. But for one lucky customer, the team at VANITYLAB Salon wanted to make this a reality.

Shampoo e balsamo sono inseparabili, proprio come te e la persona che ami di più.

A San Valentino, regala una delle "coppie Davines"più affiatate! Eccole qui...

The project
The Sunny Day Campaign is a project from Westlake Ohio's VANITYLAB Salon & Artisan Project. The idea was to treat people going through a hard time with a whole day dedicated to them. 

The winning nominee receives a complimentary haircut and style, facial wax, makeup application and a customized basket of haircare products.

VanityLab holds this event on a monthly basis, depending on the availability of the winner. 

But VANITYLab team have even bigger goals in mind: they're looking forward to growing as a business, and offering even more for people who deserve an unforgettably beautiful day. 

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There is no better feeling than treating someone to the things that you are passionate about. We are so blessed to be able to treat deserving people to the two things we love the most: beauty and supporting local businesses.

Molly Brennan
Project manager
VANITYLAB Salon & Artisan Project

How does it work?
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Cleveland locals are invited to nominate someone they feel deserves a day devoted to beauty. 

Nomination forms are available in the salon, and the recipient is chosen based on the nominations sent to [email protected]The staff reviews the nominations and votes for their favorites.

The winners are then invited to schedule a day convenient for them, and will receive a complimentary haircut and color, facial waxing, makeup application, and a basket of products. In addition to that, they are alsotreated to local business donations.

In addition to their cosmetic services, the Sunny Day Campaign also includes a limo ride and delicious food, both generously donated by local Cleveland businesses. 

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What's in the future?
The Sunny Day Campaign has gone so well that the VANITYLAB team is looking to expand and collaborate with more local businesses to craft a day filled with treatments catered to each recipient. Future potential offerings include massage, manicures, clothing boutique gift cards, and more. 

Special thanks to...
This campaign was made possible thanks to the creativity and vision of VANITYLAB team, together with Fitworks Rocky River, Tartine Bistro, and Lake Erie Limo. 

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